If I ever had to run away from somebody, or something (like the alligator in my pond for example) I'd be out of luck. Really, really, painfully out of luck. I've been working out for roughly 5 months. Consistently, and I'm seeing results. I've lost 17 pounds and I'm working toward losing about 36 more. My plan for doing so includes ramping up the cardio so I can burn more calories and get in better shape. Besides, darn it I've always wanted to run. In the past I've given up after one or two attempts because it hurts my body, but with my recent improvement in fitness I decided to try again. The first time I ran I walked on the treadmill at the gym for ten minutes, then ran (can I really call it running though? Let's say jog instead) jogged for 5 minutes, and then walked for 15 more. I felt pretty good. Until later that day when my shins were absolutely killing me. Ouch. Figuring I probably shouldn't give up after one time I decided to try again. I didn't make it to the gym yesterday morning because Ben was screaming his fool head off and I was pretty sure the ladies in the Kidz Club would appreciate it if I didn't bring him and let him take a nap at home instead. So, last night I got on my treadmill and walked for a few minutes but it felt off, not like the machines at the gym and then when I started to jog every step was excruciating. I decided either our treadmill is cheap and crappy (well, I know it was cheap, crappy is probably true too) or my body is just not cut out for jogging. The latter may also be accurate. I decided to go out in the neighborhood and at least go for a brisk walk so I could at least say I exercised for the day. I did and started out walking, then jogged what might have been a tenth of a mile and went back to walking because my lungs were burning and I was huffing and puffing and my knee didn't hurt (it did on the treadmill) but the arch in my left foot was cramping. I did two more jogs exactly like that with fast walking in between and came home feeling discouraged. I know I need to start slow, but I was and it still hurt. Shouldn't the weight classes and the other time spent at the gym make this a little easier? I admit, I've only tried it twice this go around, and I'm striving to not quit this time, or at least not without a few more tries to see if I gain any ground. So I ask, if you are a runner what can I do differently to make this work? What's up with the pain and the panting? Anything I can do about that left foot? Why is it cramping up on me? (I do have good shoes.)
So there's my I'm in bad shape whine for now. I'm getting it all out here and moving on to more positive things. I'm in better shape than I was 5 months ago. I'll move forward from here.
Easy Valentine Sugar Cookies
1 week ago
I'm no help with the running, but WOW, I am impressed. I really should not EVER complain about not having time to exercise - you are doing so great even with 4 little obstacles! I need to start paying myself...
Have you ever read this article? (From Couch to 5K in 2 months...)
Wow, Sue, I came to post that EXACT link!!
It's a beginner's plan to running.
I am also of the mindset that running is not superior to brisk walking. As long as you can get your heart rate up, there are benefits to walking without the trauma to the body. BUT, if you have the heart of a runner...I wish you the best.
I'm not sure what you have been doing at the gym, but weight training will build your muscle. If you haven't been CIRCUIT training, then it hasn't helped you build cardio strength, hence the feeling of being out of breath.
Sounds like you've got a good plan going and great success so far!
iamc twitter :)
Hey Sue, it's called gym with child care included...if that's not a motivation, I don't know what is! I have heard of the couch to 5 K I need to read it again.
Thanks Carolynn. I don't know if I have the heart of a runner, it's just something I have always wanted to do. For now, I may have to settle for walking though as my left knee and ankle are sore right now. Not sure why. Anyway, thanks for your thoughts and support!
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