Monday, March 22, 2010


I would hardly be able to survive in life if it weren't for to do lists. Even if it's impossibly long and no way to get it done in a day, it's a place to start. I even sometimes have the same list in multiple locations so that I can't avoid it. For example, on the computer, and then abbreviated on the dry erase board to help me stay focussed.

Ben just erased my dry erase board. Does that mean I get the day off?

1 comment:

Anonymous said... - one of the best things that I ever did for myself. It's a fabulous list maker that you can attach notes, URLs or locations to. It's on my phone, my email and my home page. It even sends me reminders. There's a printable week's agenda if you want that as well. I can't imagine life without it now!

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